Google will now remove the spam buttons on websites

Google announced today that its Safe Browsing service in Chrome now flags websites that use social engineering content like fake download buttons, fraudulent updates, and ads designed to mimic the branding on a page in an effort to spread malware.


These types of social engineering ads can be common on certain websites and attempt to trick a user into — for example — installing a new update to Flash. Instead, the download is actually malicious software than can hide nefarious things like ransomware on the user’s computer.

This change is a part of the company’s new social engineering policy, which was introduced in November. If Google identifies forms of social engineering on a website — say, a fake log-in screen designed to mimic your bank or a false update site — then the users will redirect to the Chrome warning page (or, as I like to call it, the red screen of death). From there, its up to the user to take the risk.


It’s yet another step forward to help people on the Web avoid potentially harmful attacks from criminals online, and one that shows just how sophisticated browsers have become in identifying features on any given webpage.

For those who feel unfairly targeted by Google’s new changes, the company has offered a help page to fix the issue.

No More Deceptive Download Buttons [Google Online Security Blog]

Making your small website outrank the big companies

Making your small website outrank the big companies

Making your small website outrank the big companies

Most people think just because you are a start up company, you will never have a chance on outranking the large companies who have been around for 30 plus years.

If you have a small website and are a start up company, you will need to make it produce more fresh content and update regularly . As Google ranks your websites pages rather than the website as a whole, it is important to have some good quality content.

Matt Cutts who is the head of Google’s search spam, recently exposed the truth about whether site size impacts search ranking. You should focus on a niche and market and write some really detailed content on it.

Don’t be scared of larger websites, because if you provide quality content that is better, you can outrank them in certain keyword searches as Google looks for great content rather than how big a company is. This is where you really need to focus, your creativity in writing content will go a long way. Don’t worry if you can not think of one straight away, take some time writing it, think of ideas and write them down on paper. Come back when you have some ideas and write the content. If it is not perfect first time round, alter it and do it again. If you can produce great content for each page, you are maximizing your chance to rank higher.

Make your website bigger

When you start writing content, you will get better ideas, will have more details you can provide to your visitors, then try to make make more pages as more quality content you make will be better for the search engines.

Also go for larger keyword, lets take “Golf balls” as an example, in your content try and target your location, brands, city, type etc. You do not need to go after the hardest keyword right at the start, perhaps go after “Second hand golf balls in Australia”. They will be much easier to rank than going for what everyone else is going for.

Look at the larger companies and see what information they don’t provide, example if your selling artificial marble, provide more info, perhaps something like what is the difference in weight compared to the real marble. You need to look at your products like someone who has no idea about it and provide answers/content for that.

Make your content superior to the larger companies. Provide more information

Below is a small video from Matt Cutts from Google who will explain how you can outrank them in a nutshell.

10 Reasons why WordPress is the best CMS


While there is so many good free CMS (conntent management system) available. WordPress stands out to be the best CMS platform and the most used today. While some other CMS system is arguably better for certain types of websites. WordPress has so many themes and plugins for users that you can build any type of website today if you have the right developer.

Below is some the reasons why you should use WordPress as your CMS of choice.

1. Easy for users to update: We have developed websites in numerous CMS systems eg: Joomla, Drupal, concrete5 etc. But most of our customers seem to have a much easier time with WordPress and the most difficult time with Joomla out of all the projects we have done.

2. SEO: Google loves websites built with wordpress, as most websites that are built using WordPress has been very easy to get the pages ranking on the 1st page of the search results. With so many plugins making onsite to be easy even for beginners.

3. Free Plugins: WordPress have the most plugins available than any other CMS system. You can built so many types of websites just using free plugins, from adding a forum or having a membership system for your site. Most people will be surprised about how easy some of these plugins can change your website completely.

4. Free Themes: A lot of web developers love WordPress’s wide range of free themes. With so many free themes available, we can deliver websites at a much faster rate as a lot of the code has been done for us already. Having different skeleton themes to suit so many different style of websites reduces time and clients are happier with a project delivered quickly. Even the people new to the website world can upload a new theme as there is so many tutorials on the internet. WordPress just makes things so much easier :)

5. Free Updates: We all love free things in life, WordPress come up with an updated version which you can install for free with 1 click of a button to keep your website running smoothly and security levels up.

6. Saves you Money: While you can get a website done for very little money trying to do it yourself, if you need a web developer to do something out of your league, you can find so many web developers who know WordPress like the back of there hands.

7. Easy to make a Large Website: When we think of a website, we usually have a general idea on what content we want, but we always come up with better and more ideas later. WordPress makes it easy for you to expand from a small website to make a large website. Making new pages has never been so easy with wordpress, just create a new page and add it to the navigation menu.

8. Awesome Blogging System: WordPress was first just a simple Blogging platform in the beginning, while it has developed into much more, it still does what it did best from the begining, With a simple structure in place for blogging for your website, it makes the blogging system the best out of all CMS platforms.

9. Update your website from anywhere: WordPress makes it easy for you to update and add news to your website with ease. You can even add in new content from your phone on the way to work, the backend system is responsive so you can easily navigate the backend with any smartphone. If you have your phone, you can update your website anytime you want from anywhere…… Amazing isn’t it.

10. Flexibility: You can use it for any website, sell cars, simple blog, e-commerce and just about anything you can think of.

Small budget websites, with high impact

Small budget websites, with high impact

Small budget websites, with high impact

All small business owners or start ups with low budgets need a Web presence, but not everyone afford to hire expensive design companies. Fortunately, it is easier than ever to create a low-budget, high-impact website. You can find the right mix of tools and resources to create an exciting small-business Web presence without breaking the bank.


Low-Budget, High-Impact Website

New Tools

Web design is much less complicated than it seems, especially with WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors and software packages that make creating Web pages easy as creating word processing documents. Popular editors such as Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe GoLive take the complexity out of Web design by using intuitive interfaces and copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop technologies. You don’t need computer programming skills to use these editors.

WYSIWYG editors are good for designing a handful of static pages; they are appropriate for businesses whose websites will be relatively small (10 pages or less). However, some small businesses will need more. If your business carries 15 product lines, or you publish often, you need a content management system to easily create, organize and index your content. Many popular CMS packages – such as WordPress – are free, but you may need to pay a small fee to get your website done and then edit it yourself after it’s complete from your developer. Make sure you have aresponsive web design and this should not come at an extra cost as it should be the web standard today.

New Talent

While new tools make Web design easier, they require time and dedication to learn. If you lack the time, you’re better served tapping freelance talent to get the job done. Typically, a Web design freelancer can provide you the following kinds of services:

  • Graphic design. Many small businesses fall down in Web design because their graphic design schemes are bare. Avoid this pitfall, as the look of your website is what communicates professionalism to your customers. If you lack design skills, work with a designer to come up with a logo, font and other elements that capture your company’s identity. Once designed, these elements can be easily fed into a template so that they appear on every page of your site.
  • Custom code. WYSIWYG editors and content management systems can’t duplicate some of the more exciting Web 2.0 features available. If you have something special in mind – a way for customers to rate your products online, for example – you’ll need the services of someone who can custom-code in JavaScript or a similar language.

Fortunately, this kind of work comes much cheaper than it once did. Although some Web design professionals charge $15,000 can give you a responsive website under $2,000.

Some people will look to find freelancers, while they can appear to be cheaper for the design, it might not come with a CMS system which you may also need to pay a fee every time you have to make a change. Also we have had work that was incomplete from customers who initially got the work started by a freelancer to only receive something below standard.

A great design is a clean design and is very easy to navigate around. If you spend a little money on pictures or have great pictures yourself, you can have a website that can be as effective as any other high budget website.

One of the other very important factors is the content and the key selling point you can put in a slideshow on the homepage. Content has always been king, you need to come up with some information on what your product is and go into great detail about it, but keep it as short as possible, using video is a great way of providing information to your customers easy.

The slideshow needs to have some impact words that will let your customers know exactly what you do as soon as they arrive on your website.

If you need any tips or help with your website, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2015

With new social networking platforms appearing from behind every corner, it can be hard to know exactly where to commit your time and resources. And as we move into the latter-half of 2014, it’s important to look ahead to where social networking is going, and how we can get on board.

As I think about the trends in social media so far this year, I’ve compiled a list of my predictions as to where we’re headed as we inch towards 2015.

1. Investment in Social Media Will Become a Necessity, Not a Luxury

While I’d argue that investing time and resources into a social media strategy is most definitely a necessity in 2013, I believe the tipping point in public sentiment from ‘should have’ to ‘must have’ will occur in 2014.

Businesses are already coming to terms with the need to integrate their social media efforts with their content strategy, and are seeing the impact of social media in terms of lead generation, referral traffic, and revenue.

As businesses see these very real and measurable benefits, I believe we’ll see a move away from assigning social media tasks to existing employees, and see even more companies hiring social media strategists or full-time social media managers.

The benefits of social media are many, but they include:

  • Improved social signals (which are a factor in the search ranking algorithm).
  • Company branding
  • Improved brand awareness
  • Word-of-mouth advertising
  • Increased customer loyalty and trust
  • Improved audience reach and influence

Social media is also one of the three pillars of SEO.

2. Google+ Will Become a Major Factor

While Facebook continues to lead the pack in terms of number of active monthly users (1.15 billion at last count), Google+ is quickly gaining steam, and in fact, now has the second highest number of monthly users (343 million).

With Google using the platform to collect personal information (think demographics, location, etc.), Google+ should no longer be thought of as ‘just’ another social network. It’s increasingly proving itself to be an integral part of Google’s grand scheme in terms of SEO, social signals and providing a more personalized search experience. This is especially apparent with the importance of Google Authorship, which I project will be one of the key components to Google’s search ranking algorithm by the end of 2014.

I believe that businesses who are finding themselves spread thin with their social media efforts will increasingly turn to Google+ as the closest thing we have to a ‘one size fits all’ social network.

As Google+ moves towards even greater integration with other aspects of the web – as they’ve already done with their foray into local search – I think we’ll see its growth skyrocket, both in terms of business and personal use. For information on how to start using Google+, read “How to Breathe Life into Your Google+ Profile.”

3. Image-Centric Networks Will See Huge Success

We’ve seen a consistent trend in 2013 toward sharing through image and video, rather than text-based content. Visual content will increasingly become a critical piece of any solid content strategy, and social networking site Pinterest will continue to shed its reputation as a ‘women’s only’ network and become an integral part of retailers’ marketing strategies.

Other image-based social media sites like Slideshare, Tumblr, Path, and Mobli will continue to grow, and businesses will need to become more mindful about the ‘sharability’ factor of photos on their websites and blogs in order to derive significant benefit from their social media content marketing efforts.

4. We’ll Witness the Rise of Micro-Video

It seems that writing 140 characters and taking 3 minute long videos is becoming too tedious for many of us. Micro video to the rescue!

With the emergence of micro video apps like Twitter’s Vine and now Instagram’s video sharing feature, we’re seeing even more movement toward real-time video sharing. And not just any videos; with Instagram allowing 3-15 seconds per video, and Vine allowing precisely 6 seconds, users are even more likely to create and share videos from their smartphones.

It will be interesting to see if and how these bite-sized pieces of content will change the playing field when it comes to video-based social media.

5. Foursquare Will Decline Sharply

With stale traffic numbers, and significant difficulties raising capital in 2013, Foursquare continues to struggle its way towards 2015.

With other social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offering location-based features, it seems like only a matter of time before Foursquare folds and their users are absorbed into these other networks.

6. MySpace, Love it or Hate it, Will Grow

With their radical makeover and re-branding efforts earlier this year,MySpace appears to be getting its second wind. Offering an iPhone app that allows users to network, receive private messages, and listen to their own personalized radio station, MySpace seems to be on track for growth in 2015.

I don’t see MySpace ever again competing in the same space as Facebook or Twitter, but it will be interesting to see how the network grows among bands and music-lovers.

7. LinkedIn Will Become a Major Player for B2B Business Growth

Still holding steady as the #1 social networking site for professionals with 238 million users, LinkedIn isn’t just sitting on its heels. With the launch of its Influencers program, LinkedIn is positioning itself as not only another networking site, but as one of the largest sources of content creation and curation for professionals.

As it grows and attracts even more users, the advantages of being “linked in” will become enormous for B2B marketers. For a guide on how to use LinkedIn for Marketing, see my article “The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Marketing.”

Final Thoughts

Facebook and Twitter show no signs of imminent decline, but it will be interesting to see how they innovate to keep up with the growth of Google+ as well as image and video-based networks.

With social media behemoth Facebook turning 10 in 2015 (has it really been that long?), they’ll continue to focus efforts on mobile, and on offering advertisers opportunities to better target their ads. And while Twitter continues to be the golden child amongst B2B marketers, I’m curious to see if and how the rise of Google+ will impact its market share.

While most business owners are aware of the necessity of having a social media strategy, I believe 20145 will be the year where a majority will finally understand the necessity to commit the necessary time and resources to their social media efforts. I’m excited to see which up-and-coming networks grab a share of the market, and which have already run their course. If you’re a business owner looking to build your social media presence, I recommend this article: “How to Determine Which Social Media Network Fits Your Business.”

Which social networking sites do you think we should be watching? Which do you think are on their last legs? Let me know in the comments below!


Responsive Design

Reasons why you should have a responsive design

Responsive DesignResponsive websites are now starting to become today’s standards of web design and development, the reason is the huge increase of mobile browsing. When you are on the way home from work, whether you take public transport or a private vehicle, you will see a lot of people using the internet on there phones. Ok, perhaps some are playing games and checking there facebook, but a huge percentage of users who use the internet are on mobiles devices.

I would say most websites would be better off being responsive as it will solve most problems when you view them on websites, some websites may benefit from having a mobile app, but lets not get into a mobile app vs responsive website in this article.

If responsive websites are build correctly, you will have a much better chance at converting sales as the user will have a better experience browsing your website.

A few reasons why a responsive website is a good thing.

1. Your website will look good on all devices, no need to pinch and zoom in of parts of your website, it is easy to use and the user can browse your whole website with using only the thumb, especially good when you are on the way home from work on a crowded train.

2. Google likes it, you will hear arguments with SEO guys saying that responsive websites do and don’t get you extra buddy points with Google indexing your website higher. Which ever is true you would think with the way Google changes the algorithm, it would be coming in soon if not so already. If you make Google happy, they will usually make you happy.

3. Cheaper than a mobile app, while in some cases a mobile app is better than a responsive website, majority of the time a responsive website is better for information and e-commerce websites.

You can have a website that will look almost exactly like what you would have on a mobile app, but cheaper and easier to access for your customers. It is easier for users to just view your website in a mobile browser than downloading a mobile app for your site.

website mistakes

17 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Website

website mistakes

Avoiding Simple Design Mistakes

Many of the world’s websites suffer from mistakes that can dramatically impact their effectiveness. We’ve compiled a list of the 17 common mistakes with helpful advice on how to avoid them.

Many of the world’s websites suffer from mistakes that can be easily avoided. It is our hope that this list will help you to ensure that your site is not similarly afflicted. Some of these problems merely result in irritation, whilst others will inhibit or prevent visitors to your site from accessing the material or functionality that you have placed there.

No matter how well or how poorly your site is implemented, by far the largest mistake occurs when the website’s role in the overall strategy of your organisation has not been well thought through. Only once the strategic purposes and role of the site are understood can the site be built in a manner that achieves those objectives. For a pilot, this is akin to bringing your plane in for a nice, smooth landing only to find out that you’ve landed at the wrong airport.

1. Lack of Accessibility

Accessibility refers to the ease with which a wide spectrum of users can access your site. On one level it can relate to the specialist web browsers that are used by people with a disability – a significant market in their own right. It also refers to the vast array of equipment, operating systems and browsers that are used to surf the web. Some examples to consider include: Visually impaired people surf too: Does the font size on your site increase if a visitor changes the text size from “medium” to “largest” in their browser?

Does the page layout of your site fall apart when a visitor changes the text size? Small devices: What does your site look like when accessed from a PDA or mobile phone?

How long does your page take to load at GPRS speeds? Other Operating Systems: Microsoft’s Internet Explorer doesn’t run on the Mac or Linux. How does your website design look on Opera, Safari or FireFox? Old Browsers: Believe it or not, there are still plenty of users running browsers that are 4 or 5 years old. A good website designer will take advantage of the formatting and presentation capabilities of the newer browsers, whilst “gracefully degrading” when viewed with an older version.

Screen Sizes: There has been an explosion in the variety of screen sizes. Your site needs to be able to display appropriately on different sized screens, and it can’t be assumed that the user will have their entire screen allocated to their browser.

2. Infrequently Asked Questions

Have you looked through an FAQ page and been irritated by the irrelevance of the questions? Have you wondered if the questions had ever been asked, let alone frequently? If so then you’re not alone. Many sites no longer have FAQ pages and have instead updated their content to provide that information. However the point here is not so much about how fashionable the FAQ is or isn’t – the point is that all of the content on your site needs to be relevant to the people who are likely to visit the site. Relevant content will give them a good impression and will increase the likelihood that they will take the next step towards becoming a customer.

3. Can’t find contact information

We’re constantly amazed by sites that make it difficult to find physical contact information. For small and medium businesses this is critical as your contact information provides a key link to reality, giving customers confidence that they are dealing with a real business rather than a scammer. Contact information should include conventional contact methods such as phone and your business address.

4. Click Here To Enter Site

Don’t waste your home page with a “Click here to enter site” link or a gratuitous splash screen. Your website visitor is already here, so reward them immediately with useful, relevant content.

5. Audio

Audio should be used sparingly on any website and it should never be played automatically, especially if you are trying to reach users in a corporate setting. The best sites that use audio require the user to click a “play” icon. For sites that need a voice over, you will dramatically enhance your organisation’s image by having the track professionally recorded.

6. Too Much Flash

Flash is great when used sparingly and tastefully. Flash can add excitement and movement to your site, adding capabilities that are difficult or impossible using only HTML. Unfortunately it has two key detractors: not everyone has flash and not everyone has the bandwidth to support flash. If you have decided that it is appropriate to use a sizeable flash component on your site then make sure that the user receives visual feedback while it loads.

7. Too many meaningless graphics

The graphics on your site should enhance the user experience. This needs to be kept in balance – enough to ensure that the site is attractive and functional, but not enough to create clutter and slow down the user experience. Site graphics need to be optimised to ensure that the site is displayed at a respectable speed.

8. Search Engine Unfriendly

Whilst having a search engine friendly site won’t guarantee you high rankings on your favourite search engine (that’s a discipline called Search Engine Optimisation), there’s no excuse for not having done the basics. These include having a site map, concise and relevant content, use of standard mark-up tags that are recognised by search engines as well as meta tags such as keywords and a description.

9. Welcome to Our Website

Commence your content with something a little more compelling that “Welcome to our website”. Such an opening appears amateurish and communicates to a visitor that the site is in no hurry to provide them with useful information.

10. Poor Navigation

Navigating through your site should be intuitive. This means that the site navigation should be organised and presented in a manner consistent with accepted web navigation conventions. Stick to standard techniques and standard locations for navigation elements such as links and menus. Links should look like links. It should be easy for a visitor to find the “home” and “contact us” links. As well as having navigation elements that are easily recognised, it is important to think through the logical organisation of your site. One useful metric to keep in mind is the average number of clicks required to find a piece of information or to access a page.

Another key aspect is how easy/obvious is it for a visitor to find out which link to click on. For example, to find “double sided tape” on your website, should they look under “Art & Craft” or “Office Supplies”?

11. Poor Colour Schemes

A poor colour scheme will distract visitors from your message. At worst, the message will become unreadable. It is also important to keep vision impaired users in mind, so if your site features coloured text on a coloured background then it would be wise to offer a high contrast option. This can easily be done using style sheets.

12. Expecting that people will read your Web Pages

Very few people read a web page in its entirety. Rather, people scan web pages looking for relevant information, zooming in on the elements that catch their interest. It is therefore important that information be well ordered and easy to locate on the page.

13. Pop-up Windows

Unless you have a very good reason, avoid pop-up windows. They are irritating and many browsers block them.

14. Dead Links

All of the links on your site should work. Having users visit your site and encounter broken links will look unprofessional, cause frustration and undermine the confidence of visitors in your site and hence your organisation. All links on your site should be properly tested. Links to external sites that are not under your control should be tested on a regular basis, especially if they link deep into the content of that site.

15. Requiring That Surfers Install Software

Generally, users will not want to install software to view content on your site. By default, most browsers block websites from installing software. Exceptions to this rule are some extensions/applications that have gained widespread acceptance such as Acrobat and Flash.

16. Pages that are slow to load

Web surfers are notoriously impatient and will punish slow sites by leaving them. A good site will load in no more than a few seconds. Reasons for slow loading pages often include such factors as overloading a site with pointless graphics, sub-optimal graphic formats and hosting factors such as using an overseas hosting company or a “backyard” hosting company. If there is a legitimate, unavoidable reason for having a slow site, then provide visual feedback for the visitor while it loads.

17. Not monitoring your site

There are numerous tools available for monitoring your site. They can provide valuable insights into the behaviour of users on your site, allowing you to determine where they come from, how they found your site and the kind of content that they are interested in and which links are the most popular. With excellent tools available free of charge, there is no excuse not to monitor who is visiting your site and what they do once they arrive.

Facebook Marketing

From 2,500 to 1 Million Fans in Just Two Years

When you think about appliance businesses, you usually imagine a brick-and-mortar showroom, with rows of bright shining refrigerators, washers and dryers.

But that’s not always the case. More and more businesses exist virtually, in the cloud. And while you’d expect these businesses to sell digital solutions, there’s one company that has made its mark selling appliances this way.

In fact, just last week, it hit a major milestone: 1 million fans on its Facebook page .

1 million fb fans

Introducing Appliances Online , where happiness is the core value, and nothing makes them happier than making others smile.

Facebook Marketing

Appliances Online stands out as a business that doesn’t just follow the rules. It creates them.

  • Selling large, physical products 100% virtually
  • Breaking all expectations about how to sell in its industry
  • Using Facebook to build trust and change people’s search habits

How has it done this? I interviewed AO’s social gurus Yossi Erdman and his partner in crime, Kate Barton, to find out.

What’s the secret of a great Facebook page for an ecommerce site?

It’s simple, really. Find the content on your site that people will connect to, whether that’s strange things about what you have in your fridge, the food that you like to cook in your new oven, or anything else related to your area of expertise that you think people will want to engage with.

We are lucky because we sell products that everybody needs (sometimes more than you can imagine). But you have to find the “thing” about your own product line that engages people.

Your growth in Facebook fans is pretty impressive. What’s the secret?

A mix of good content with smart advertising. There is no shame in using Facebook advertising and it’s something we are very proud of doing well.

But advertising itself doesn’t work. You need to create really good content.

We chose to have competitions for products we sell — this way we can talk about and advertise our products simultaneously — and create engaging content around them.

We take time to answer every customer or fan talking to us, and we believe that level of engagement is what makes people come back to us.

If you browse our page you will see faces first (it is FACEbook after all!) and then you might see products. We believe that’s what people want to see: some behind-the-scenes images, some funny things, and our social media team embarrassing ourselves.

How have Facebook ads and sponsored stories worked for you? Can you tell us what has and hasn’t worked?

We invest a lot into Facebook advertising. The most useful method is Page Post Sponsored Stories for desktop and mobile.

(Here’s a guide for creating Page Post Sponsored Stories .)

But in order for that to work you have to create very good content on your page posts. That’s why we have a great graphic designer working on our social content, and we have a video studio that we can use when we want to create pictures with our products.

How has Facebook boosted brand search traffic? How have you measured this?

We’ve seen a 60% uplift on branded searches, and we believe Facebook has driven most of this change.

More people are now searching for “Appliances Online” instead of just “washing machine.” But this change hasn’t occurred because these people are our Facebook fans (click ‘like’ once and that’s it).

We focus a lot on engaging our fans and making sure they see some quality content from us at least once a week. If we don’t have good content we don’t bother our fans.

You can read more about this in our Facebook case study .

You promote Facebook and other social profiles prominently on the site. What was the thinking behind this and how has it performed?

As we are a relatively unknown brand, we thought it could have a really positive effect on potential buyers to see their friends’ faces on our site, particularly if they have recommended us on Facebook.

We get really good feedback from customers almost on a daily basis, so we decided to show it on our website header as well.

From 2,500 to 1 Million Fans in Just Two Years

Now when a potential customer comes to our website, they can see our latest feedback directly from Facebook. And if they’re connected to Facebook at the time they might see some of their friends because, with more than million fans on Facebook, there is a really good chance one of this visitor’s friends already recommended us.

We see 10% uplift in conversion when people visit our site when they are connected to Facebook and can see their friend’s name.

How many people are in the social team?

We now have 4 people on our social team, but we also have a designer who works with us on a daily basis, and all of our customer service queries are handled by our correspondence team, which has 10 people.

How often do you post on FB? How have you found the best frequency?

We don’t have a set way of doing this. To be honest, we feel that makes us more like a real person, rather than just another business.

Lots of people in the business are involved in managing the Facebook page and our social media. That’s the only way you can respond to every customer personally and make sure people get an answer as fast as possible.

Every week we post things on a different frequency. In general we really don’t like to spam our fans, so we will never post more than once or twice a day.

Many retailers have struggled to make FB “sell.” What have you done differently, and how do you measure sales/conversions from FB?

As an online retailer, we decided we have to invest in this platform and make it right. That’s why we involve so many people in the process of creating content and talking to customers.

It’s also why we invest in advertising on Facebook. (I know you have already seen at least one sponsored post from us, haven’t you?)

We measure direct sales from Facebook, but we mostly focus on branded searches. We don’t believe people see our ad on Facebook and then come and buy a washing machine immediately, as it’s a purchase you need some time to consider.

However, we do see more people search for Appliances Online than ever before and believe Facebook has a lot to do with it.

Using Facebook for our brand is definitely the right thing to do. Measuring by the great feedback we get from our customers (or customers to be) and the amount of interaction we have, we’re definitely doing the right thing.

You mentioned that you want to “invest in this platform and make it right.” What do you mean by that?

As an online retailer, we have no bricks and mortar — no real “face” to the business. When people come to our site, they need to know we are a trusted brand.

By using Facebook, we’ve built up fantastic brand awareness, and even integrated it into the homepage of our site.

Now when you come to our homepage from a Google search, you will see that over 1 million people recommend us on Facebook. You may even see the faces of your friends and family!

That trust in our brand is invaluable. So “making it right” is about building trust.

I you could give me a short checklist for “the perfect Facebook post,” what would you include?

Facebook Marketing

  1. A good call to action. For example “Click ‘like’ to…”
  2. An engaging question “Tell us…”
  3. A good, emotive image. We often use real products and real people (usually the social team), or custom designs for each campaign we run.

One last question: How do you focus on branded searches? What do you do behind the scenes to do this?

The important thing to remember is that we — the social media team — don’t work alone.

The Routes To Market team is our internal team that manually deals with PPC advertising and analytics. We work closely with them to track the rise in Google searches for “Appliances Online” and “AO” and the traffic driven to our site as a result.

In analysis, we can see that the growth of our Facebook following has led directly to the growth in search for our brand name.

Of course, we also measure direct sales from Facebook, but we get more insight by focusing on branded searches.

Fantastic tips!

Yossi and Kate have given us some in-depth information about how they think about social media.

Does that answer your questions? What challenges do you face in using social media to build your business?

Google will punish all websites not mobile friendly or responsive


Google will now punish all websites that are not mobile friendly which means responsive.

From 21st of April 2015, Google will punish all websites severely in Google search ranking and put all relevant responsive/mobile website higher than websites that are not.

As more people use mobile phone these days instead of a PC, Google has been forced to adapt to the consumers as smartphone sales have boomed to over the last few years, it is vital to have your website responsive.

If your website is not responsive by the 21st of April 2015, Google may totally eliminate you from mobile searches.

Test your website now on how your website preforms under the mobile friendly test

Mobile-Friendly Test

Website Strategy For Success

Website Strategy For Success

Website Strategy For Success

Online Business Website Strategies

To get a return for your investment, it is important that your web site has a clear, defined purpose. Simply having a website just because a business of our size “should” isn’t enough. Common strategic purposes for websites include:


Not every business needs to use their website to promote their business, however people considering doing business with you will often check you out on the web to gain a level of comfort that you’re a business with substance. Other businesses find that having a good website is essential for attracting good staff as most applicants will check out your website in preparation for an interview.

Promote Your Business

Promoting your business online is a great reason for having a website. With the high level of competition, having a website isn’t enough. You need a planned approach to not just building website traffic, but for converting that traffic into business results.P>


A website can provide around the clock customer service that may be too expensive to implement with human staff.

Improved Customer Service

In a society that craves instant gratification, tech-savvy customers value the option of being able to complete customer service tasks online with out the need to talk to a customer service rep. From mundane (but important) tasks such as reviewing billing histories or resetting passwords, a webstie that is connected through to your back end systems can improve the level of service that you are able to offer your customers.

Needing Less Staff

By adding self service capabilities to your website you may be able to reduce the load on your call centre, sales team and customer service staff. By reducing that workload your business will be able to efficiently service a larger customer base without needing to hire additional people.